My water looks clear and doesn't smell bad, how do I know if it's safe?
The only real way to determine if your water supply is safe is to have a water analysis done by a professional lab or local health department. Water can often look, taste, and smell fine, but could contain unsafe products. Water quality testing ranges from a simple "general potability" test to more extensive chemical testing. With our extensive knowledge of local issues, we'd be happy to guide you in determining your testing needs.
What's causing the red/brown stains on my shower walls and toilet?
Dallas' groundwater naturally contains iron, with some areas having much higher concentrations than others. Iron, while an aesthetic concern, is not considered harmful. Iron in water can not only stain fixtures, tile, clothing, sidewalks, etc...but it can actually shorten the life of home appliances and can restrict the flow of water through pipes.
We use a public water supply at our home, and generally the water quality is great, but we just can't stand the taste and odor of chlorine, is there anything we can do to fix this?
Of course you can. We offer systems in a variety of sizes to filter the taste and odor of chlorine from your water. Whether filtering at the main line of the house or at individual faucets in the home, we have a solution for you.
We tested the water and everything seems fine, but I want to provide my family with the highest purity water, is there a system that will work for us?
Of course. To achieve the highest purity water in a residential setting, we recommend a reverse osmosis water filtration system. Such a system can provide ultra-purified water to individual faucets in the home and to the home ice maker. Not only are they affordable, but they also provide a high degree of protection from contaminants that may enter the water supply. We also offer a wide selection of designer faucets to match nearly all of today's finishes.
Our plumber said he had a great inexpensive solution, so do we really need a professional company like AquaPure Experts?
Over the years, water treatment has become a very specialized field that requires years of knowledge and hands-on experience to effectively solve the most dangerous water problems. Undersized or worse, installed incorrectly, equipment can result in contaminants still being left in the water. Water filtration and treatment has been our sole business since 1985. We don't install toilets, install new wells, fix leaky faucets, deliver fuel, or clean swimming pools. We filter your water. You wouldn’t let a plumber or handyman fix your car, so why would you let them try to fix your water problems?