Whole-house filtration benefits your appliances, your home, and your health!

We help local families remove up to 99% of contaminants from their drinking water while filtering water throughout their home so you can enjoy luxurious chlorine-free baths, softer skin, silkier hair, whiter whites, brighter highlights, and spotless dishes and stemware. Plus, you’ll love cooking with our water because you’ll get more flavor from your food and less impurities.

At AquaPure Experts, we offer all-in-one whole-house filtration systems and under-sink drinking water systems that produce better-than-bottled water from your existing water source! Our systems are proven to remove up to 99.9% of common contaminants, so you can be confident that the water is going into your body and skin.

Think of everything that water touches: water heaters, boilers, washing machines (your family’s clothes!), dishwashers, your body, food, etc…

Water is the lifeblood of your home, just as it is to your health.

If you can imagine your life with less time spent cleaning and worrying about what’s in your drinking water, then you can imagine your life with water treatment by the professionals at AquaPure Experts.

Get Great Water At Every Tap with Whole Home Filtration

If you're like most people, your home is one of the biggest investments you've ever made. It takes a lot of little details working together perfectly to ensure your home runs like a well-oiled machine.

Here are three ways AquaPure Experts can take care of your water so you can take care of you and your family:

1. Whole-House Dechlorination:

Chlorine is a nasty but necessary chemical used to disinfect municipal water supplies. While it's good for killing germs, it's harmful to your skin and health. Over-the-counter chlorine filters for showers and sinks can only do so much, or they themselves become overrun with germs and scale.

Our unique whole-house chlorine filter removes chlorine from your entire home, so you never have to replace another filter again. Plus, it cleans itself and, unlike your mother-in-law, is extremely low maintenance.

2. Remove Water Hardness:

We all know the signs of hard water. Like flies in the spring, those pesky hard water spots, limescale in the bathtub, and embarrassing cloudiness on wine glasses show up time and again.

AquaPure Experts offers a variety of hardness removal systems that ensure sparkling drinking glasses, clear shower glass, soft skin and hair, and rich bubbles in your bubble bath (of course, now you have time to soak in the tub instead of scrubbing it).

3. Remove Contaminants from Drinking Water:

These days, we can spend hours, even days, worrying about the chemicals and contaminants we’re taking in. As an increasingly health-conscious nation, we’re all aware of the need for clean drinking water. We’ve all heard the statistic that water makes up 70% of our bodies (and studies show that in infants and toddlers, it’s even more).